Dr. Fink Interviewed for OVMA

Veterinary Wellness Partners • Aug 21, 2015
Dr. Fink Interviewed for OVMA
Veterinary Wellness Partners
Fri, 08/21/2015 - 12:46pm

Dr. Fink's Recent Interview for the OVMA Newsletter

Dr. Fink has been serving on the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association's Board of directors for several years.  He is the district representative for our ares, region 8.  He was recently interviewed for their newsletter, which is attempting to spotlight those who serve on board.  Check it out below if your are interested:

  • Area of practice & veterinary interests:  Mixed animal, predominately small animal with a focus on surgery
  • Family :    Wife: Beth and four kids Jenna (10) Jacob (9) and Twins Girls Brooklyn and Brianne (6)
  • Why did you decide to become a veterinarian?   My faith is deep, with my favorite portion of the Bible being the creation of the world, explained in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.  When God created animals, He was trying to create a "Suitable helper" for Adam.  I believe that animals are helpers that He designed for a purpose, yet none of them replace other humans (our "suitable helpers").  In Genesis 1:24, God commands us to care for the animals.  Since I follow the Creator and His design, I believe that I am called to care for His creation and created beings in any way that I can.  This helped to lead me into my life's calling of being a veterinarian.  I also derive a great interest from growing up with fond memories of my grandparents' dairy farm, located outside of Oxford, Ohio.
  • What's the most rewarding part of your job?   I enjoy working with people.  I am biased, but we have the best staff and team members, who are more like family than co-workers/ employees.  It is so rewarding to see them experience the ups of veterinary medicine, as we get to see animal's lives improve through our care and concern.  It is also so enjoyable to be able to help the owners and families of the pets that we serve.
  • What do you like to do when you're not at work?   I enjoy our family farm, which is small, but exciting. We raise heritage Red Poll cattle, that are raised on a grain free ration.  I am also an avid runner, having completed my first marathon in April of 2015.  My wife recently participated in a triathlon and that has gotten me looking into adding cycling and swimming into my endurance sport training.  I have really enjoyed helping to coach several of my childrens' sports teams.  We also serve as sponsors/ mentors of our Church's middle school youth program, as well as teaching the 7th and 8th grade boys Sunday School classes. 
  • Did you have any notable learning experiences that changed your perspective on veterinary medicine?   I am going to go off script here a bit and say, yes.  However, mine is more of a self discovery than an animal related story.  Several years back, I was dissatisfied at what I was doing.  I was getting depressed and began to realize that I was not the person that I wanted to be.  I gained some self awareness that showed me my attitudes and how I was affecting those around me.  Shortly after, we went through a program that is presented by Zoetis, called People First.  I was chosen to undergo a 360 evaluation, which solicited feedback from my work family.  It was kind of funny, because the feedback was real and could have been seen as harsh, yet I had recently had the realization on my own of my weaknesses and tendencies.  I think people were afraid of how I would take the data, yet it confirmed what I was learning.  It was from there that I have been able to slowly transition back to a more upbeat, positive perspective and regained a joy in what I do day in and day out.  
  • What was the most memorable experience you've had as a DVM?   I am not certain that one stands out, perhaps the down cow, milk fever, prolapsed uterus in the semi-frozen creekbed?  Maybe it was delivering twin calves or my first major abdominal surgery case.  The most recent one is a dog named Peanut.  He came to me for a second opinion and we determined that exploratory surgery was indicated to look at his liver and gall bladder due to abnormal blood panels and abnormal appearance of the gall bladder region on ultrasound.  The other vet was none too happy that the owner came to see me and went as far as to call the owner refusing to "sign off" on the surgery.  I had to let that go, but the surgery revealed a very abnormal gall bladder that was impacted with many small galls stones.  I was able to remove the gall stones and buildup and get the bile dust opened via a catheter and flushing of the common bile duct.  Peanut went home and is doing great as of his 6 month checkup!
  • Any advice for new or soon-to-be veterinarians?   I would advise new veterinarians to continue to gain people skills.  Focus first on yourself and your own self-awareness.  This is something that many people are lacking.  Then choose to celebrate the victories and don't be afraid to cry over some of the down times, yet don't let them become your focus.  You have to celebrate the victories and remember all the clients and pets that love you and all the good you have done.  Sometimes there are just people out there who are grumpy and they want to try to bring you down.  Keep your head up and continuously improve yourself, whether that be personally or professionally.   I would also say, find other things to do. You are a veterinary and very passionate about your profession, but do not let it overtake who you are as an overall person!
  • What is your top goal for your term on the Board?   As a board member, I feel compelled to continue to work on things that are affecting veterinary medicine.  We have a lot of influence as an organization.  I am glad that I have been able to contribute in small ways.
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Covid-19 Policy 3/16/2020 Veterinary Wellness Partners Mon, 03/16/2020 - 11:14pm Our offices are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus situation and listening to the leaders of our state and nation. Currently we are taking the following steps; 1) We are wiping down door handles and areas every hour 2) We are offering car side delivery of medications with a call ahead and credit card payment via phone 3) We are limiting the number of clients in each room to one per appointment. If you have multiple family members, they will be asked to remain in your car. We can take your pet in if there is a reason to remain in your car 4) We are requesting that anybody with respiratory signs cancel their appointments. 5) Our staff is washing hands regularly 6) We are abiding by the social distancing rules of no handshakes and trying to keep personal space of 6 feet whenever possible. 7) We recommend that you call to get 60 day supplies of any needed medications 8) We highly recommend using our online store if you order online. As things get more and more limited, we can continue to supply medications via this route. If offices need to limit staff, we will only be able to service online orders through our online store. IN addition, this supports us directly, sticking with the spirit of BUYING LOCAL. 9)  We are limiting our usage of facemasks by reusing disposable face masks as often as we can.  We are also ordering fabric, washable, reusable masks to replace the disposable ones. Please call our office and ask if you have any questions or concerns.
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